Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Miss Bliss Has Moved!

We are excited to announce that Miss Bliss has moved over to WordPress!

Hopefully we'll have the redirect from this blog complete very soon. In the meantime, hop on over to the new Miss Bliss where you'll enjoy a  new photo story from Ruthie as well as a new look for Miss Bliss. Thanks to my Anonymous Fan who left a comment asking for more writing. I hope you'll enjoy the new blog.

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Meet Katie {My Dressform}

Since I've been out of blogging practice, I have a few things to catch up on. If you read my mom's blog (Blog, She Wrote), then you might know that we moved last summer. A lot of my crafty things were boxed away for a time- the time it takes to pack it, move it, and unpack it and somehow crafty goodness does not make the top of the list when it comes to unpacking!

Just before we started packing to move, two of my brothers and I had our birthdays and almost right after, we had to start packing up the house. So, I didn't have the time for a proper introduction.

Meet Katie! My official birthday dressform!

After helping to make my civil war ball gown, I fell in love with the idea of having my own dress form. I am still growing into it both size and skill wise, but I have used it to easily mark the hemlines on some of my skirts. *Note to parents- if you choose to get a dress form, make sure it's the same size as your girl! When my mom ordered this one, size small was not available. This one is a medium and although it is the same size used to make my ball gown, it is not easy to make things for myself with this dress form- it'll get easier as time goes on though I'm sure.

Two of the books in my sewing library- How to Use, Adapt, and Design Sewing Patterns along with How to Make Sewing Patterns are two great resources for me to learn how to make patterns for my dress form.

You might have noticed the scissors around Katie's neck. This is my favorite way to remember my scissors while I'm doing any sewing or crafting at all. It's a little tip I picked up at 4-H. Now I never have to search for my scissors!

The tape measure and the scissors on a lanyard are two of my favorite sewing tools and it makes me think it would be fun to share with you a list of my other must have sewing items. That will be my next post!