Thursday, November 17, 2011

My brother and I have been making some Angry Birds. If you do not know, Angry Birds is a video game. We made them from fleece.

These are my blue birds! They are the ones that split up.

I hope you like my birds! They are easy to make. Here is the tutorial from Obsessively Stitching.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Doll House

This is my doll house. I made half of the stuff in there.

This is the toddlers side of the bed room. The other side is the baby's bedroom!

Here is the baby and her chrocheted blanket

The bookshelf!

Sleeping bag!

The sewing room!

The little girl's bedroom!

The living  room!

Baby bedroom!
 I hope you like my doll house, and there are more rooms than shown.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fall Fabrics

Look at these fun fall fabrics! There are some other fabrics in there, but it's mostly fall stuff. We used some of these to make our apples. I like to have fabric on hand so I can do little projects whenever.

Some fun fabrics!